*** ShoeBox Photos ***

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- Ralph E. Kenyon Jr. *** U.S. Navy *** 1960-1981
career in the Navy started on June 30, 1961. As a Machinist Mate
he served on the USS Norris (DDE -859) and
was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis, attended Nuclear Power
School, the Naval Scientific Education Program at Miami University
and then Officers Candidate School receiving his Commission in
August 1968. He served on board the submarines USS Jallao,(SS-368) from March 1969 to January 1971 and
then the USS Tigrone, (AGSS-419) until
July 1972. Other duty included Defense Contract Services, North
West Naval Security Group and Inspection/Security at the "Mothball
Fleet" at Portsmouth,Virginia. He retired as a Lieutenant
on July 1, 1981.

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net