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- George B. Sturtevant *** US Army ***
WWII 1942-1945
into the Army in June of 1942, George received basic training
at Camp Croft, South Carolina, Fort Edwards and Fort Orde, California
where he received Heavy Equipment and Crane Operator training.
Shipping out of San Fransico in January 1943 and arriving in
Cairns, Australia where he constructed with the 411st BaseShop
Engineer Battalion installations and "LCVP's known as Higgins
Boats." Assembled from 11 sections, Landing Craft
Vehicle Personnel were welded, plumbed and wired
into 100' landing craft for invasion of the South Pacific Islands.
As the allied campaign progressed they moved to Millen Bay, New
Guinea where LCVP, LCT LCM landing craft were constructed for
the invasion of the Philippines,and later to Batangas, Luzon,
Philippines for the assumed invasion of Japan. The war ended
and he was discharged a Corporal in February 1945.

- Millen Bay, New Guinea

- Batangas, Luzon, Philippines

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net