*** ShoeBox Photos ***

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resolution and utilize a progressive JPEG
format. Photos are encoded with copyright, and information
in AdobePhotoShop Info File.
- Robert C. Flynn
*** U.S. Army *** WWII 1942-1945
as a 1st Lieutenant, Bob received promotions as a Private with
the 26th "Yankee Division in 1942, Officer's Infantry Training
at Fort Benning of that year and a Battle Field Promotion at
"Anzio" Italy while serving with the 45th "Thunderbird's"
Infantry Division 2 years later. As a Reconnaissance Unit Commander
in the European and Mediterranean Theaters he saw many days of
conflict during WWII's early Invasions in North Africa, Sicily,
and Italy.

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net