*** ShoeBox Photos ***

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- John F. Lindley ***
U.S. Marines ***
Vietnam 1962-1966
Corporal John Lindley enlisted as a Marine in December of 1962.
Following Basic Training at Parris Island, he received Advanced
Infantry Training at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. A specialist
in Reconnaissance/and Aircraft Launch and Recovery, he "Hit
the Beach" in one of the few amphibious landings in Vietnam
establishing Chu Lai in November 1964. Serving with the Marine
Air Group (MAG-12) of the 1st Marine Air Wing , they created
an airfield among the sand dunes and flew A-4 "Skyhawks."
- Unique to many of the following photos is that
they were from rolls of undeveloped film discovered by John 30
in his attic years later!

- Comments, Corrections, Contributions Welcomed.
- Christy Butler
**** www.shoeboxphotos.net
**** **** butts@bcn.net