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Frank Leskovitz Sr. *** US Marines *** 1924 to 1949
Enlisting into the Marines in 1924 Frank Leskovitz Sr. along with his wife Lucretia, served in many different theaters of operations including Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, China, the Philippines and Hawaii. He participated in the defense of the Pearl Harbor on and after December 7, 1941. He rose to the rank of Captain. His Son Frank Leskovitz Jr. also enlisted into the Marines (1954 - 1958) where he met his wife, the former Elizabeth Ann Cardella, both were Corporals.
Corporal Frank Leskovitz Jr.
View over 420 U.S. Marines Combat Photographers photographs saved by Frank Leskovitz Sr.
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Christy Butler **** www.shoeboxphotos.net **** **** butts@bcn.net